Deal seven "How-to" cards to each player
The judge should also give themselves 7 cards. Everyone can look at their own cards, but keep them a secret from the other players for now.

Turn an image card face up.
The Image Card will show you a funny wikiHow image. Every player should start thinking about which card in their hand they want to pair with it.

Pick a "How-To" card to match to the image card.
Players can choose any card from their hand to play. Try to pick a card that matches the feeling, situation, or meaning of the image card.

Shuffle the "How-To" cards and read them aloud.
It’s time for the judge to judge! The judge grabs all the How-To Title Cards and shuffles them together without peeking. Then, they flip them over and read them all out loud.

Pick a winner.
The judge can choose a winner based on anything they want. It could be the silliest, the most fitting, or the most ridiculous card. If the judge chose your card, keep the image card for the rest of the game.